Forward looking, always after finding new solutions to improve health and the
benefits of a heathy lifestyle. Passionate about researching new ways of tackling
health problems and conditions. The main core of my career are the frequencies
and how they relate and affect people
Since 1988 until present date - Personal Clinics, Dr. in Physiotherapy,
Sciences Applied Kinesiology and Frequencies, Italy
I started working at my own clinic after graduation and to date I have successfully
treated more than:
- 50.000 cases of back related problems (eg. slipped disk, scoliosis, backspin,
- 1.000 cases of learning related problems (eg. dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia,
hemispherical integration, etc.)
- 1.000 cases of traumas (eg. whiplash, articular dislocation, sprained joints, etc.)
- 1.000 cases of postural problems (eg. hips, back, neck, temporomandibular joint
(TMJ), etc.)
Throughout the years I contributed in studies and researches that led to many
advances in the job as well as many technological advances to be applied to
healthcare and to promote wellbeing.
I first invented and then developed a new method of treatment: Frequenze
Armoniche, that involves frequencies to treat many kinds of health related problems.
My clinics are spread all around Italy from north to south
Since 1998 until 2019 - Researcher:
Italy, 2019
I developed the evolution of Armonic Overtones which led to a new method named
“Frequenze Armoniche” (translating as: Harmonic Frequencies). The new method is
comprising of 12 software.
Italy, 2018
I Obtain an interview on the radio during a medical show on “Radio Lombardia”
Italy, 2018
I Obtain a publications of my paper titled “Nuove tecnologie per il
benessere” (translating as:
New technologies for wellness) on “BitMat”
Italy, 2011
I Obtain a publication of my paper titled “Biorisonanza dei sistemi acustici”
(translating as:
Bioresonance of acoustic systems) on “Micro Scopio”
Italy, 2011
I Obtain a publication of his paper titled “Come funziona l’armonia Overtones”
(translating as: How Armonic
Overtones works) on “L’Altra Medicina”
Italy, 2008
I Obtain an interview on public television Glob airing on the Italian TV channel “RAI
Italy, 2005
I Published an article on the Italian national newspaper “La Repubblica”, together
with other professionals.
Milan, Italy, from 2003 until 2005
I led a team of medical doctors to find and sample the frequencies of the Brain
Italy, from 2001 until 2005
The first software containing my studies was published. The software goes by the
name: “Armonic Overtones”. The publishing of the software paved the way to start
teaching the methods of applications of the frequencies to people. 3 software
Italy, 2000
I published the first CD containing a set of frequencies deriving from my studies to
treat various conditions. The CD goes by the name: “Extended on a
Pavia, Italy, 1998
I introduced a research at the University of Pavia at Maugeri Institute named “La
valvola ileocecale nelle lombalgie” (translating as: Ileocecal valve in low back pains).
Milan, Italy, 2001 - Writer;
I published a book about my researches and studies titled “Armonic Overtones”
Lugano, Switzerland, 2013 - Therapist;
My job titles is recognized in Switzerland and able to perform as therapist.
Italy, since 2006 until 2019
I teach the Harmonic Frequencies method to medical professionals around Italy to
improve their skills and to increase the results of the treatments to their patients.
Cremona, Italy, 2010
I teach “Kinesiologia Frequenziale” (translating as: “Frequencial Kinesiology”) at the
hospital of Cremona, developed especially for physiotherapists, which was given the
ECM credit (Italian professional updating courses for medical practitioners) by the
Brugherio (Monza), Italy, 2009
I teach the course “Nistagmo oculare e frequenze neuromuscolari”
(translating as:
Ocular Nystagmus and neuromuscular frequencies)
Milan, Italy, 2004
I teach the course named “Armonic Overtones nelle pratiche riabilitative”
(translating as: Armonic
Overtones in rehabilitation processes)
Dobbiaco (Bolzano), Italy, 2004
Instructor at the course “Armonic Overtones nelle pratiche riabilitative”
(translating as:
Armonic Overtones in rehabilitation processes) organized by Phytomed Italia
Milan, Italy, 2004
I teach at the Biophysics Studies Centre
Hospital San Rocco; Ome (Brescia), Italy, 2004
I teach in a workshop named “Suoni armonici dei meridiani” (translating as:
Harmonic sounds of meridians)
Monza, Italy, 2003
I lead a course named “Suoni armonici dei meridiani” (translating as: Harmonic
sounds of meridians)
San Marino Public Library, San Marino, 2003
My training course “Suoni armonici dei meridiani” was recognized by the Republic of
San Marino, and was given the ECM credit (Italian professional updating courses for
medical practitioners) by the Italian government
University of Trapani, Trapani, Italy, 2003
I lead a course titled “Corso di Formazione in tecniche kinesiologiche (frequenze)”
(translating as: Training course in Kinesiolgy techniques (frequencies)), and “Suoni
Armonici in Kinesiologia” (translating as: Harmonic sounds in Kinesiology), both
recognized by the Italian Medical Association (in Italian called ASL), and was given
the ECM credit (Italian professional updating courses for medical practitioners) by
the government
Desenzano del Garda, Italy, 2014
I speak at the International Congress of Kinesiology titled “Riequilibrio del nistagmo
oculare con la Kinesiologia Frequenziale” (Translating as: Balancing ocular
nystagmus with Frequencial Kinesiology)
Riccione, Italy, 2004
I speak at Fitoterapia (Fenioux) congress of a talk named “Overtones in fitoterapia”
(translating as: Overtones in phytotherapy)
Vienna, Austria, 2013
I speak during the International Kinesiology College in Vienna titled “The Voice”
along with Francesco Axel Librale
Desenzano del Garda, Italy, 2012
I speak at the National Congress of Kinesiology titled “Kinesiologia Sonica
Frequenziale - Vocal Tract” (Translating as: Sonic Frequencies Kinesiology - Vocal
Lugano, Switzerland, 2012
I speak at the course titled “Frequenze cocleari” (translating as: Cochlear
frequencies) at TI Sana, the Fifteenth exposition for wellness in Switzerland
Desenzano del Garda, Italy, 2011
I speak at the second National Kinesiology Congress titled “Suoni e vibrazioni come
stimolo vestibolare - nistagmo cocleare” (translating as: Sounds and vibrations as
vestibular stimulus - cochlear nystagmus)
Brugherio, Italy, 2010
I speak at Globe centre titled “Kinesiologia Frequenziale” (translating as Frequencial
Kinesiology), another name given to his method, equal to “Frequenze Armoniche”
(translating as: Harmonic Frequencies)
Desenzano del Garda, Italy, 2010
I speak at the course titled “Relazione Kinesiologia-Frequenze” (translating as:
Relation between Kinesiology and Frequencies) at the National Kinesiology
Italy, 2008
I speak during the conference AH-UM Milano Jazz Festival titled “Riequilibrare le
energie con i suoni (translating as: Rebalance energies with
Brescia, Italy, 2008
I speak at the World Congress of Kinesiology named “Living in the Midline”
Minneapolis, USA, 2006
I speak at the University of Minneapolis conference about my method Harmonic
Milan, Italy, 2004
I speak at the workshop held by Eureka center of a talk named “Suoni armonici
nelle pratiche riabilitative” (translating as: Harmonic sounds
in rehabilitation processes)
Milan, Italy, 2004
Speaker at the Omeopathy workshop at Osteophaty school located in Eureka
centre. The talk was named “L’arte del test muscolare nelle frequenze” (translating
as: The art of Muscle testing in frequencies)
Milan, Italy, 2003
I speak at Physiotherapy congress (Fenioux) for a talk named “Overtones in
Fitoterapia” (translating as: Overtones in
Padua and Genoa, Italy, 2003
I speak at the school E.I.O.M. (European Institute of Osteopathy) for a talk named
“Suoni Armonici in Osteopatia” (tranlating as: Harmonic Sounds in Osteopathy) in
Padua and at the hospital San Martino in Genoa
Rotary Club in Treviglio; Italy, 2003
I speak at the workshop held by Rotary Club titled “Suoni Armonici di meridiani -
Overtones” (translating as: Harmonic sounds of
meridians - Overtones)
Djerba, Tunisia, 2002
I speak during International Congress of Kinesiology named “Il Sistema Immunitario”
(translating as: The immune system), which was given the ECM credit (Italian
professional updating courses for medical practitioners) by the Italian government
Manerbio (Brescia), Italy, 2001
I speak at the International Congress of Kinesiology of a talk named “Armonic
Overtones” where i introduced my method
Zurich, Switzerland, 2000
I announced the results of my researches and introduced the method “Armonic
Overtones” which has later become “Frequenze Armoniche” at the World
Kinesiology Congress
Università degli Studi di Pavia, Pavia, Italy - Bachelor of Rehabilitation
Therapist, 1988
Touch for Health Foundation, California, USA - Kinetic Education Instructor,
Clayton University, Clayton, USA - Doctor of Naturopathy Applied Kinesiology,
Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio”, Chieti-Pescara, Italy - Degree with
Distinction in Physiotherapy, 2005
During all the years of work I developed and perfected the medical skills such as:
analyzing people and the conditions that affect them, and treating disorders and
conditions the best possible way in order to obtain the best possible outcome in the
I was the creator of the method Harmonic Overtones, which was changed into
“Frequenze Armoniche”
I have an astonishing knowledge in all the areas regarding medicine, wellness,
holistic medicine, and alternative medicine.
I collaborated with a company in Italy that is highly specialized in high end products
for audio technologies (VDM Sound Group S.R.L.) to develop an hardware that is
capable of supporting the software (the last 12) of my own creation.