Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dott. Japhari Singh Aiese Ministry of Healthcare

Dr Japhari Singh Aiese formerly Dr Pasquale Aiese, born in Naples in 1962 has a degree in Biological Sciences and a degree in Medicine and Surgery, a specialization in Epidemiology and Public Healthcare; he has been working for some 30 years for ASL in Naples (local public health organization), where he covered several roles, General Medicine, Drug Addiction, Pharmacovigilance, Occupational Medicine, Public and Hospital Hygiene, Epidemiology.

In recent times he’s been Chief Epidemiologist for a COVID unit from the beginning of this bad story to October (2020); after that, he left the ASL (because he refused to authorise swab tests on children). He then coordinated some 40 GPs who treated (COVID) patients at home resulting in zero deaths, though being in a socially difficult area around Naples nicknamed “Terra dei Fuochi” (land of fires).
After that, he collaborated on the R2020 project led by MP’s Sara Cunial, Ivan Catalano and Davide Barillari. After that, he worked with ALU a lawyers’ organisation led by Linda Corrias and Francesco Scifo.

His medical education has been enriched by a triennial diploma in Homeopathic Medicine, then a diploma in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a diploma in Kundalini Yoga and Satnamrasayan. As a biologist, he perfected the Biological Laws, the Adaptive Physiology following an ethologic and behavioural methodology, together with the Family and Spiritual Constellations by Bert Hellinger.

He has created a model for studying life, “Le Scienze Biosistemiche®” (Bio-systemic Sciences), which transforms the symptom into an opportunity for change in a relational space tending to de-medicalize the patient’s request, acting on his/her strengths to ward off the delegation leading to a perception of inability to understand and want.

Since 2012 he is chairman of the “Associazione Libertà e Salute” (Association for Liberty and Health), with which he created an educational methodology used countrywide; he also uses this to handle the requests he receives as a physician to enrich his academic knowledge.

His teachers (not only at university) taught what was in the old WHO (the dead one) definition: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.
A consideration about well-being under a biological and systemic interpretation; BEING in the GOOD, just not as in the present competitive and materialistic culture, living in this world in an honourable, social and cooperative way, as nature teaches us, according to a logic for the life of the BEING and staying ALIVE in a cooperative and symbiotic way, in honour and brotherhood, according to the principles of the Self-Determination. For this purpose, he has the diplomatic role of Peace Ambassador as Minister of Healthcare of the Popolo della Madre Terra (People of Mother Earth).