Ministry structure
Toki Librale
Open-minded, farsighted, and in search of knowledge. I strive to have a healthy lifestyle, and I get passionate about the research of new ways to approach and face health problems.
The main interests in my career and studies are health sciences, frequencies, and the way these relate to each other, and also physics in all its branches but in particular quantum mechanics, the structure of matter, and biophysics.
During the years I was working as a kinesiologist, I developed abilities for analysis and setup of solutions for health problems.
I have a great understanding of the human body and how it works.
I helped my father in the development of the “Harmonic Frequencies” method also known as Frequential Kinesiology.
My competence has been fundamental during the development of the 12 software programs that are the core of this method my father invented.
I know several programming languages including C++, Objective-C, and MATLAB; I also have great capabilities in informatics.
I managed to acquire good knowledge in physics, both theoretical and experimental.
The combination of the latter two allowed me to understand problems and find solutions.
During my studies, I developed strong critical thinking for the sciences and physics in particular.
I attended and finished two online courses from MIT concerning Quantum Computing and related areas, developing a good competence in this subject.
I completed another online course about Nonabiotechnologies, which allowed me to better understand the application of nanotechnologies to man and the problems that might consequently arise.
I am fluent in Italian and English.
Work experiences
2013 – now: personal clinics, kinesiologist, Italy
I have been working in my father’s clinic after my first degree and, to date, I helped cure more than:
• 50,000 cases of backbone problems (e.g., herniated disc, scoliosis, backspin, etc.)
• 1,000 cases of learning problems (e.g., dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, hemispherical integration, etc.)
• 1,000 cases of trauma (e.g., whiplash, joint dislocations, joint sprains. etc.)
• 1,000 cases of postural problems (e.g., hips, back, neck, temporomandibular joint, etc.)
During the years I contributed to studies and research that brought several improvements in utilising advanced methodologies for healthcare to promote wellness.
I helped my father in the development and implementation of the methodology he invented: Harmonic Frequencies.
This method uses frequencies in treating various health conditions.
My father’s clinics are all over Italy, from North to South.
Milan, Italy - 2021
I got a Master in Physics of Matter to further develop my capacities and knowledge.
Milan, Italy - 2021
I obtained a degree in Physics with a thesis about the measurement of the electrical properties of materials at nanoscales.
The title of the graduation thesis was: “Development of a lock-in amplification system to perform electric impedance measurements through of an atomic force microscope”.
Vienna, Austria – 2013
I made a speech during the Internationale Kinesiology College held in Vienna. The title of my speech was “The Voice”, which I held together with my father Ken Librale.
I helped my father in teaching his method “Harmonic Frequencies” to medical doctors all over Italy to enhance the results of the treatments.
Path of studies
NK Institute Pty Ltd, Murwillumbah, Australia - Kinesiology Certificate IV, 2013
NK Institute Pty Ltd, Murwillumbah, Australia - Kinesiology Diploma, 2014
University of Milano, Milan, Italy - Degree in Physics – 2019
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, online, USA – Introduction to Quantum Computing – 2019
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, online, USA – Quantum algorithms for computing security
Chemistry and optimisation – 2019
University of Cambridge online, UK – Bio-nanotechnology from theory to practice - 2021