Ministry of Peace
Structure of the ministry
Chaired by :
President and Ministers
The ministry is composed of all the ministers in office of PMT and is chaired by the President or his delegate in the event of a vacancy in the office of the President or his delegate, the ministers present at the meeting may elect an acting minister who can, in such circumstances, fulfil this function, which will end at the end of the consultative session of the Ministry of Peace
In this Ministry, peace is understood as a shared action aimed at achieving a state of wellbeing that is also a being-in-goodness because it is founded on a deep respect for the Universal Laws that govern the biological and spiritual balances of Creation. The points listed represent only a part of the intentions.

What the ministry is about:

Promoting, developing and coordinating activities of non-violent conflict prevention and mediation

Promotion of peace strategies both internally and externally for the construction and dissemination of a culture of peace through: education and example, the promotion of human rights, internal and international development and solidarity, intercultural dialogue, integration, and the conception of peace and war issues

Reconciliation and mediation of internal and external PMT tensions to restore and maintain peace, through training and intervention of qualified bodies

Prevention and reduction of social and cultural violence, promotion of hate-free language, social cohesion of members

Unarmed and non-violent defence as a means of intervention in conflict situations and in contexts of structural and cultural violence

Coordination to organise and realise the common good by bringing together the many positive forces of PMT and all our brothers and sisters who populate Mother Earth

Monitoring the implementation of international agreements, treaties and recommendations and between the pmt government and those of all our brothers and sisters who populate Mother Earth

Conversion of material means and instruments at our disposal (such as: land, furniture and real estate, raw and waste materials) for the sole purpose of peace

Commitment to the implementation of policies of non-violent defence, respect and protection of the rights of all living beings and Mother Earth

Offering support and help to enable everyone to pursue a life journey in love
People of Mother Earth
Ours is a self-determined state, with a presidential government and a board of ministers formed with men and women aware and united on the old ancestral identities of our territory, the Italic Peninsula, of the whole of Mother Earth.
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