Ministry of Transport
Ministry structure
Rha Matithya
My name is Rha Matithya.

I define myself as a Truth Seeker with the ultimate goal of individual Freedom coming from the assumption of our responsibilities to reach the Freedom of People living in harmony and cooperation for their wellness and of all beings living on Mother Earth.

In my life, I studied Massage and Physiotherapy, sports massage, Shiatsu, Shin Tai, Reiki, Theta Hiling, and several eastern techniques that allowed me to deepen my knowledge about the energy of human beings and Planet Earth.

I practise martial arts and teach Stretching-Shiatsu, a technique mixing eastern and western knowledge. It works on the rebalancing of meridians in Traditional Chinese Medicine, muscular stretching, and postural realignment of the body.

Ministry’s goals
Short-term goals:
- To have PMT numbers for members’ cars, upon an agreement with the Italian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructures.
- To have passes for PMT members to have free transits on toll highways.

Long-term goals:
- To prepare protocols for PMT members to facilitate any activity related to the Ministry of Transport. That is:
  • - Land transport and safety
  • - Sea transport and safety

- To form relationships with railroad companies.

People of Mother Earth
Ours is a self-determined state, with a presidential government and a board of ministers formed with men and women aware and united on the old ancestral identities of our territory, the Italic Peninsula, of the whole of Mother Earth.
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