Ministry of Finance
Objectives and Mission
  • To restore ownership and financial freedom to PMT members, to educate them in a safe and independent management of their finances
  • Transmit the functioning of new and modern financial structures
  • Realise the PMT's financial autonomy and freedom
  • Realise internal and external financial services
  • Realise financial, economic and commercial projects through internal and external collaborations and exchanges
  • Transmitting and reminding the true meaning and significance of finance, aimed at supporting and enabling a serene, happy and healthy existence, helping in the realisation of one's self, allowing time to build and realise one's dreams and projects, remembering that the true meaning of finance is in sharing, respect and Love
People of Mother Earth
Ours is a self-determined state, with a presidential government and a board of ministers formed with men and women aware and united on the old ancestral identities of our territory, the Italic Peninsula, of the whole of Mother Earth.
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